Monday, May 12, 2008

It goes by too fast!

The other day I came across this picture and I almost started to cry. Time goes by SO fast!

Nikko at about 6 weeks

Now he is trying to figure out how he can escape!


The Kraus House said...

Emmy, he is really such a gorgeous kid. But yeah it goes by so fast, wait til you have a few more, then it goes really fast.
luv you

Megan said...

Well, well, well. Jacob Chrisman! Linking from blog to blog as one does when trying to avoid doing things they ought to be doing, I found one called "The Chrisman Family." It couldn't be, I thought . . . But it was.

I'm going to hope that you can send your memory way back to PHS and remember me--Megan Peterson (now Romo). You have a wife! A kid! You guys look happy. I'm so pleased.

Anonymous said...

Good post.