Tuesday, September 9, 2008

For You Noni!

This is what Nikko looked like when he woke up from a LONG nap.  This also is known as "ass eyes" pardon the language.

He had been sleeping for 2 1/2 hours and I thought it was time to wake him up.  He was fighting it.  It was too cute, the camera ran out of batteries so these were the only shots I got.  How about his mattress?  Yeah, their version of a pack and play is more like a collapsable table.  It does not fold down at all.  And it is heavy.  Nikko is sleeping well in it so we can't complain.  It might help having all the entertainment right in the mattress!

Noni, we sure miss you and hope you were able to rest.  It probably has been a long day.  We can't wait to hear from Grandad!  Our prayers and thoughts are with him constantly.  Please let him know how much we love and miss him, especially Nikko!  Show him these pictures, maybe it will help him feel better!

Love you!